
O Exército Brasileiro divulgou nesta sexta-feira, 14 de março, o Edital ESA 2025, com instruções específicas para o exame. Serão disponibilizadas 1125 vagas para ingresso. As inscrições estarão abertas a partir do dia 31/03 e se encerram no dia 18/05 de 2025. A taxa de inscrição está fixa no valor de R$ 95,00.

Adverbs - 20 Exercícios Gabaritados

01. (CENTEC - QUESTÃO) - Select the option that contains only ADVERBS:
Ⓐ rarely — beautiful — never
Ⓑ quietly — often —only
Ⓒ softly — cool — yet
Ⓓ fast — while — barely
Ⓔ never — tall — open

02. (CETREDE - QUESTÃO) - Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective or adverb to make the correct comparisons or superlatives.
I. Sam runs ________ (slow) than Leo.
II. This was the _______ (bad) ice-cream I have ever tasted.
III. Cycling is ________ (exciting) than running.
Ⓐ slow / worsest / more exciting
Ⓑ slower / worst / more exciting
Ⓒ slower / worse / exciting
Ⓓ slowest / worse / the more exciting
Ⓔ the slowest than / worse / more exciting

03. (ESPCEX - QUESTÃO) – [...]
The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, trying to communicate efficiently with limited, simple language, typical of someone speaking a second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang, abbreviations and references specific to their own culture, says Chong. “The native English speaker is the only one who might not feel the need to adapt to the others,” she adds.

Adapted from

About the words purposefully, carefully and efficiently, it is correct to say that
Ⓐ they are adjectives.
Ⓑ they are nouns.
Ⓒ they are verbs.
Ⓓ they are prepositions.
Ⓔ they are adverbs.

04. (CN/MB - QUESTÃO) - Read the following sentence.
"All authorities have acted quickly and with great caution."
Mark the option that contains a sentence with the same type of adverb underlined in the sentence above.
Ⓐ John looked around but he couldn't see the monkey.
Ⓑ He is probably in the park.
Ⓒ The water was extremely cold.
Ⓓ He swims well.
Ⓔ I will call you later.

05. (VUNESP - QUESTÃO) - [...]

Brás Cubas, the fictional memoirist, has just died from pneumonia. As a thwarted corpse who failed in almost everything he tried, he wants to set the record straight about his drifting life as an idle, pleasure-seeking dandy in Rio. Beneath his jaunty veneer, Cubas harbours a melancholy pessimism. He sees a freedman lash a slave he has bought — to relieve his own sufferings “by passing them on to someone else”. Yet the novel floats free of the ambient oppression on currents of mischief and urbanity. [...]

No trecho “Yet the novel floats free of the ambient oppression on currents of mischief and urbanity”, o termo sublinhado expressa:
Ⓐ decorrência.
Ⓑ acréscimo.
Ⓒ contraste.
Ⓓ alternância.
Ⓔ exemplificação.

06. (AVANÇASP - QUESTÃO) - Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do advérbio de dúvida:
Ⓐ I am not in the mood to go to the movies.
Ⓑ He is certainly waiting for you to call back.
Ⓒ Perhaps she won't come.
Ⓓ They travel to their parents yearly.
Ⓔ He loves her very much.

07. (QUESTÃO) - Choose an alternative in which all words are adverbs:
Choose an alternative in which all words are adverbs:
Ⓐ Always, Usually, Frequently, Often, ugly. 
Ⓑ Seldom, Rarely, Occasionally, age, Once. 
Ⓒ Normally, Never, Slowly, Hard, Fast.
Ⓓ Simply, Carefully, Happily, Carelessly, Small.
Ⓔ Last, Own, Same, Large, Admirably.

08. (QUESTÃO) - Identify the sentence with the adverb placed in the correct position:
Ⓐ Quickly, his homework finished before dinner.
Ⓑ She lost nearly her keys yesterday.
Ⓒ The teacher explained the lesson well to the students.
Ⓓ They arrived almost late for the concert.
Ⓔ None of the above

09. (QUESTÃO) - In the sentence “My teacher told us to read quietly”, “quietly” is an adverb of _________. 
Ⓐ time
Ⓑ place
Ⓒ manner
Ⓓ frequency 
Ⓔ None of the above

10. (QUESTÃO) - Complete the sentence below with the correct word. Choose the CORRECT answer.
A friend: You haven’t seen Brad, have you?! Too bad man! He is traveling tonight!
Me: That is fine! I will see him ___________.”
Ⓐ Late
Ⓑ More late
Ⓒ Lately
Ⓓ Later
Ⓔ None of the above

11. (ESFCEX - QUESTÃO) - Choose the alternative according to the right use of adverbs.
Ⓐ The meat is cooked very bad.
Ⓑ It is terrible hot today.
Ⓒ He is driving unusual fast.
Ⓓ She writes very good.
Ⓔ I speak German well.

12. (ESFCEX - QUESTÃO) - Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentence below:
The cost of a new house in Salvador has become _________ high over the last few years.
Ⓐ more
Ⓑ totally
Ⓒ utterly
Ⓓ blatantly
Ⓔ astronomically

13. (CENTEC - QUESTÃO) - Which one is the correct adverb form to complete the sentence below?
"She speaks English                 ."
Ⓐ fluency
Ⓑ fluent
Ⓒ fluentless
Ⓓ fluently
Ⓔ fluentness

14. (AVANÇASP - QUESTÃO) - Leia a frase e responda à questão. 
He is quite awake.
Podemos classificar a palavra QUITE como um:
Ⓐ substantivo.
Ⓑ pronome.
Ⓒ verbo.
Ⓓ substantivo.
Ⓔ advérbio.

15. (QUESTÃO) - Choose an alternative in which all words are adverbs:
Choose an alternative in which all words are adverbs:
Ⓐ Early, Bad, Already, Before, Able. 
Ⓑ After, Now, Young, Soon, Few. 
Ⓒ Then, Still, Again, High, Little.
Ⓓ Late, Old, Above, Beyond, New.
Ⓔ Behind, Over, Under, Near, Far.

16. (ESFCEX - QUESTÃO) - Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentence below:
This credit card is__________ accepted.
Ⓐ widely
Ⓑ absolutely
Ⓒ strictly
Ⓓ completely
Ⓔ correctly

12. (CETREDE - QUESTÃO) - Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective or adverb to make the correct comparisons or superlatives.
I’m a terrible singer. You can sing _______ than me (good).
Paul is the _______ person in his family (tall).
Fortaleza is the _______ capital in Brasil (danger).
Select the CORRECT answer.
Ⓐ better / tallest / dangerous
Ⓑ best / tallest / dangerous
Ⓒ better / taller / dangerous
Ⓓ better / tallest / danger
Ⓔ gooder / tallest / dangerous

13. (FUNDATEC - QUESTÃO) - Identify the correct position to insert the adverb “hardly” in the sentence “I saw them when they left the church in such a hurry”.
Ⓐ After “saw”.
Ⓑ After “left”.
Ⓒ Before “saw”.
Ⓓ After “church”.
Ⓔ Before “hurry”.

14. (FUNDATEC - QUESTÃO) - In which of the sentences below the position of the adverb in bold is INCORRECT?
Ⓐ He drives very slowly.
Ⓑ She speaks three languages fluently.
Ⓒ Some passengers were seriously injured in the accident.
Ⓓ We’re nearly finished.
Ⓔ Always Andrew’s late for school.
20. (VUNESP - QUESTÃO) - No trecho do último parágrafo – The concept of method has not been replaced by the concept of postmethod but rather by an era of textbook-defined practice. –, o advérbio rather pode ser substituído, sem alteração do sentido da frase, pelo advérbio
Ⓐ instead.
Ⓑ chiefly.
Ⓒ just.
Ⓓ fully.
Ⓔ quite.











































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