01. (SELECON - QUESTÃO) - No trecho “For example, a valid driving test should include a practical driving component and not just a theoretical test of the rules of driving”, o termo em destaque é classificado como:
Ⓐ noun
Ⓑ adverb
Ⓒ adjective
Ⓓ conjunction
Ⓔ None of the above
02. (VUNESP - QUESTÃO) - In the excerpt “If people recognize and understand differing worldviews” the word in bold, ending in ING, is functioning as an adjective. Indicate the alternative in which the same happens.
Ⓐ Children learning a second language may have a lot of fun.
Ⓑ Driving too fast is usually very dangerous.
Ⓒ Did you have the chance to see that touching movie?
Ⓓ He learns music by listening to the chords.
Ⓔ She sat looking at the sea.
03. (QUESTÃO) - No contexto do excerto “The student will be overloaded and cannot possibly pay attention to and learn from them all”, a palavra ‘overloaded’ é
Ⓐ um verbo.
Ⓑ um adjetivo.
Ⓒ um verbo frasal.
Ⓓ uma expressão idiomática.
Ⓔ None of the above
04. (CFGS/ESA - QUESTÃO) - Complete the story with the correct indefinite adjectives and pronouns.
During a patrol a United Nations Peacekeeping mission patrol, Sergeant Reis and his squad scans the surroundings of the area carefully.
Sergeant Reis: - Everything seems to be calm around here. I see ____ signs of danger but remain on alert.
Corporal Santos: - We are vigilant, sir, but I sincerely hope ____ bad happens tonight. However, we are ready to respond to ____ situation.
Private Costa: - There is ____ moving ahead in the darkness, Sergeant Reis. Can you see it? Is it a dog?
Corporal Santos: - I think it’s a person. ____ is coming towards us.
Sergeant Reis: - Take cover and cock your weapons. I will warn him or her of our presence. We have to follow the rules of engagement.
Sergeant Reis: Is ____ there? United Nations! Stop or I’ll shoot!
Although the mission is to maintain peace and security, Sergeant Reis is ready to protect his men at any cost and make sure that ____ poses a threat to his unit.
Ⓐ no – nothing – no – anything – Somebody – anybody – nobody
Ⓑ no – nothing – any – something – Somebody – anybody – nobody
Ⓒ any – nothing – any – something – Somebody – anybody – somebody
Ⓓ no – anything – any – something – Somebody – anybody – nobody
Ⓔ no – nothing – any – something – Anything – nobody – nobody
05. (QUESTÃO) - Select the only alternative that contains the correct sequence of interrogative adjectives:
Ⓐ one, seven, when, why, which, whose.
Ⓑ what, how, first, why, which, fifteen.
Ⓒ little, flat, when, why, which, whose.
Ⓓ what, how, when, why, which, whose.
Ⓔ what, how, when, why, our, their.
06. (CFGS/ESA - QUESTÃO) - Choose the suitable adjectives to make the text coherent.
The routine of a model platoon sergeant, a crucial figure in a military unit, is ____ of diverse responsibilities and challenges. While they may be ____ at maintaining discipline, they are never ____ with their subordinates. In fact, they understand the importance of being ____ to privates and corporals within the unit.
Platoon Sergeants are committed to the growth and well-being of their team. They are ____ in their soldiers' professional development, offering guidance and mentorship. They are also devoted to the mission of the unit.
Like anyone else, platoon sergeants sometimes feel ____ with the demands of their role. However, their commitment remains firm, as they are aware that their actions can influence the success or failure of a mission. If any mistakes occur, they are ____ about the consequences and take responsibility for leading their team to learn and improve.
The role of a platoon sergeant is ____ from other ranks, requiring strong leadership. While they have moments of fear or hesitation, they do not let it overcome them. They perform their duties with diligence, always aware of the impact on their unit's morale and performance.
Ⓐ full – good – angry – kind – interested – fed up – sorry – different
Ⓑ different – good – angry – kind – interested – fed up – sorry – full
Ⓒ full – good – kind – angry – interested – fed up – sorry – different
Ⓓ full – sorry – angry – kind – interested – fed up – good – different
Ⓔ different – good – angry – kind – interested – full – sorry – fed up
07. (CFGS/ESA - QUESTÃO) - Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.
“Colonel is a _______________ rank in the army but it is _______________ than General.”
Ⓐ highest – lowest
Ⓑ low – high
Ⓒ highest – low
Ⓓ lowest – highest
Ⓔ high – lower
08. (QUESTÃO) - Select the only alternative that contains the correct sequence of indefinite adjectives:
Select the only alternative that contains the correct sequence of indefinite adjectives:
Ⓐ some, any, many, a few, a lot, several.
Ⓑ no, how, first, every, much, fifteen.
Ⓒ many, little, when, why, few, whose.
Ⓓ enough, both, all, another, which, whose.
Ⓔ other, any, when, each, our, such.
09. (QUESTÃO) - Read the text and answer the question.
On Sunday morning, Tom and his family went camping. They camped near the lake. Their tent was shaped like an igloo. It was made of a thin cloth. Tom helped clean up. They ate a tasty meal of barbecued chicken and corn. When it got dark they made a fire. They told stories and sang songs.
English Created Resources.
The word “tasty” in the text is:
Ⓐ a verb.
Ⓑ an adverb.
Ⓒ a pronoun.
Ⓓ an adjective.
Ⓔ None of the above
10. (QUESTÃO) - Select the only alternative that contains the correct sequence of demonstrative adjectives:
Ⓐ Such, that, these, those.
Ⓑ what, which, whose, smart.
Ⓒ None, bad, their, those.
Ⓓ small, old, big, Such.
Ⓔ this, that, these, those.
11. (CN/MB - QUESTÃO) - All the sentences have comparative or superlative adjectives EXCEPT for
Ⓐ "this generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce."
Ⓑ "generation Z, is the youngest, most ethnicallydiverse, and largest generation in American history, comprising 27% of the US population."
Ⓒ "they communicate primarily through social media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as older generations do watching television."
Ⓓ "the majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers."
Ⓔ "gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in embracing diversity and inclusion."
12. (CENTEC - QUESTÃO) - Which one is the most correct form of the adjective to the sentence below?
"She has a _______ car."
Ⓐ beg
Ⓑ big
Ⓒ bigger
Ⓓ biggest
Ⓔ bigly
13. (QUESTÃO) - The superlative form of good, bad and big are:
Ⓐ The best, the worse, the bigger.
Ⓑ The best, the worst, the biggest.
Ⓒ The good, the worst, the big.
Ⓓ Better, worse, bigger.
Ⓔ None of the above
14. (EFOMM/MB - QUESTÃO) - In which statement is the word well an adjective?
Ⓐ The injured turtle is well now.
Ⓑ The mammal was well treated.
Ⓒ Tears well in eyes when turtles are back to the sea.
Ⓓ Well, I agree that some species are extinct.
Ⓔ Litter affects culture as well as economy.
15. (QUESTÃO) - Select the only alternative that contains the correct sequence of possessive adjectives:
Ⓐ bad, thin, fat, blonde, caring, stubborn, their.
Ⓑ this, that, these, those, its, our, their.
Ⓒ none, some, any, many, its, our, their.
Ⓓ little, few, much, enough, its, our, their.
Ⓔ my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
16. (EM/MB - QUESTÃO) - Read the sentences below.
I- People shouldn't drive so ____.
II- I need to see a doctor because I haven't been feeling well _____.
III- Although she's tried _______ to find a new job, she's still unemployed.
Which option completes the sentences correctly?
Ⓐ fast/ late / hardly
Ⓑ quickly/ late / hardly
Ⓒ quick / late / hard
Ⓓ fast/ lately / hard
Ⓔ quickly/ lately / hardly
17. (CN/MB - QUESTÃO) - Read the following sentence taken from the text.
"Italian officials have cut short the Venice Carnival as they try to control what is now the worst outbreak of the coronavirus in Europe."
Mark the adjective that forms its Superlative the same way as the underlined word.
Ⓐ High.
Ⓑ Good.
Ⓒ Early.
Ⓓ Elderly.
Ⓔ Extraordinary .
18. (QUESTÃO) -
- I have a question. What would happen if there were a beautiful and highly intelligent child up in heaven waiting to be born and his or her parents decided that the children they already had were enough?
- Your ignorance of theology and medicine is appalling!
- I still think it’s a good question!
Adapted from https://www.peanuts.com/comics/
The words “beautiful”, “highly”, “intelligent” and “child”, in the context, are:
Ⓐ Adjective, adverb, adjective, noun
Ⓑ Adjective, adverb, adverb, noun
Ⓒ Adverb, adjective, noun, adverb
Ⓓ Noun, noun, adjective, adverb.
Ⓔ None of the above
19. (EN/MB - QUESTÃO) - Which option completes the tips below correctly?
- ______ way to lead is to lead by example. A good leader tells you how it’s done, a great one shows you how.
- As a leader, ________ thing that you can give your team members is your time. A lot of them will go through a bad phase or will be clueless about what to do. At those times, they need to know you are there.
- People will look up to you. At times, even for things in which they are far ________ than you. You don’t have to take their decisions, just provide them your confidence so that they can take their decisions.
(Abridged from: https://yourstory.com/mystory/4b6ce51011-85-things-ilearned-being-a-ceo)
Ⓐ The better / the bigger / the most skill
Ⓑ The better / the bigger / more skilled
Ⓒ Better / bigger / most skilled
Ⓓ The best / the biggest / more skilled
Ⓔ The best / the biggest / most skilled
20. (QUESTÃO) - Read the text to answer question.
To tip, or not to tip?
The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons.
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service.
usually depends on the service. People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) _____________ tips. The tip for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) _____________.
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can give a (big) _____________ tip for a very good service. Remember, though, your behavior is (important) _____________ than your money. Always treat service providers with respect.
Adapted from Interchange
Choose the alternative that completes the text with the correct comparatives.
Ⓐ smaller – larger – bigger – more important.
Ⓑ smaller – the largest – bigger – the most important.
Ⓒ the smallest – the largest – bigger – the most important.
Ⓓ the smallest – the largest – the biggest – the most important.
Ⓔ None of the above
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